Entries by StoryMapsDan

Pro Screenwriters Panel at L.A. Film Fest (video)

Dan’s 2-Minute Screenwriting School is back in action with an expert panel of top screenwriters including Dustin Lance Black (Milk, Big Love), Josh Olson (A History of Violence), Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely (Captain America, Chronicles of Narnia) and Diablo Cody (Juno). These professional script doctors discuss the importance of writing multiple projects at once.

Black Swan story map screenplay analysis

Black Swan is a tight, merciless thriller that forges one, driving throughline that is supported by every character and element in the story. In order to become the Black Swan and achieve her dream of ballet perfection, Nina must prove to her director Thomas that she can transform herself on stage, fight off her mother’s […]

Sex and the City movie screenplay analysis

My e-book Story Maps: 12 Great Screenplays includes a Full Story Map for the first Sex and the City movie, which is a great example of a well-written modern Romantic Comedy. Sex and the City took proven, beloved characters from the television series and wove them into a classic Hollywood Romantic Comedy for the big […]

Story Maps: Peter Guber on the psychology and the emotion embedded in story

In an article titled “The Inside Story,” published in Psychology Today back in March, super producer Peter Guber talks about the psychological, emotional and transformative powers of storytelling and how they apply to the movies — WHY we love movies and what gets us engaged. Stories… are state-of-the-heart technology — they connect us to others. […]

bin laden movie

For better or worse, Hollywood is always close behind major news stories so it’s no surprise that Deadline.com posted this story only a few hours after President Obama’s stunning announcement of the death of Osama Bin Laden. Buy E-Book Now! Could we see a movie about the hunt for Bin Laden sometime soon, and would […]

Getting Extreme (Part II)

Continuing this Excerpt from Story Maps: How to Write a GREAT Screenplay (Part One here): GET EXTREME! I love it when I see a movie or read a script and the writer is willing to “go there,” to take the story to the extremes of the dramatic conflict. Not afraid to shock, offend or make […]

Screenwriter Scott Rosenberg Gets Extreme

Excerpt from Story Maps: How to Write a GREAT Screenplay, coming soon. Scott Rosenberg is a very successful screenwriter whose produced credits include Armageddon, Beautiful Girls, Things to do in Denver When You’re Dead and Gone in 60 Seconds. I had been a fan of his for years before I met him at the Austin […]

Screenwriter Q & A: common questions answered

Here is a compilation of questions I was asked by screenwriters on varying topics a few years back and my advice still holds firm — some helpful screenwriting tips that I’ve learned over the years and I hope this information can help you… Questions Below (links removed): What is the criteria for script contests? How […]

Worst Pitches Ever?

As my friends at Inktip prepare the next Inktip Pitch and Networking Summit (July 22-23 at the Marriott Burbank Airport), I came across these amazing pitches from last summer that were entered into a contest sponsored by American Express and the Tribeca Film Festival. They have both achieved viral fame and it’s easy to see […]