STORY MAP YOUR FEATURE FILM Boot Camp @ Screenwriters University

Dear writers,
I’m teaching a weekend “Boot Camp” online workshop on November 15-17th, 2013, with Screenwriters University. This weekend seminar will give you a great crash-course in my Story Mapping method and a critique of your own story map plus a bonus webinar on mapping Oscar screenplays. The price is $199 and it includes an exclusive webinar lecture, a worksheet, a private 3 hour message board forums Q&A session and my notes on your work. Go HERE to sign up.


What do 95% of great movies have in common? They all follow the STORY MAP.

Daniel Calvisi—accomplished script consultant, screenwriter, and author of Story Maps: How to Write a GREAT Screenplay—has defined this proven structure down to the page. The Story Map is not a formula—it is a story structure that is followed by almost every popular Hollywood film. It does not dictate your choices or tell you what to write, it only provides a framework to hold your choices. This is not “cookie-cutter” filmmaking, unless you consider Sideways, Up, Transformers, The Hangover and Pretty Woman to be cut from the same mold, because they all utilize the Story Map!

A Story Map is a method for structuring a screenplay by creating a simple yet powerful outline that contains the building blocks of your concept, characters and plot; the main dramatic elements and dramatic beats of the narrative and the order and desired page range of those beats, no matter the genre.

When you use the Story Map, the screenplay is still undeniably yours, but it now comes wrapped in the shiny coating that covers pretty much all major studio movies and is recognized by every agent, manager and producer in the business. If you follow the Story Map and execute an active story in the proper page ranges, your script will FEEL like a modern hit movie.

With this boot camp, you will spend the weekend learning what makes a solid structure for a feature film script and creating a story map for your own screenplay. When it’s over, you will walk away with comprehensive feedback on the structure of your feature film from Daniel, and the information you need to write a screenplay that has the potential to knock down major studio doors! Register here.

Here’s how it works:

On Friday morning, November 15, you will receive access to a story mapping worksheet and a video tutorial, “Story Mapping Your Feature Film” by Daniel P. Calvisi. You will have the weekend to complete a story map of your feature film, which will be submitted to Daniel for critique.

On Sunday, from 1:00 to 4:00 PM (PT), Daniel will be available to answer your questions about Story Maps and feature film structure via the Screenwriters University message boards. Only registered students can access these boards. You’ll also be able to ask question of your fellow students.

Using the expert guidance from Daniel’s video and information from Sunday’s Q&A session, you will spend the rest of Sunday completing a story map of your feature film, which you will submit to Daniel for review by Monday, November 18, Noon PT.

You will receive feedback on your story map from Daniel by November 31. With this feedback, you will have exactly what you need to write a winning screenplay with the structure that Hollywood demands.

All registrants will also receive:

About the instructor:

Daniel P. Calvisi is a screenplay consultant, screenwriter and former Story Analyst for major studios like Twentieth Century Fox and Miramax Films. He is the author of Story Maps: How to Write a GREAT Screenplay and co-creator of the Story Maps Screenwriting Podcast. Daniel has coached hundreds of private writers to better understand the principles of great screenwriting and to improve their craft on the written page. Daniel has been published in Script magazine and is also a contributor to Now Write! Screenwriting.

I hope you can join us!

Good Luck and Happy Writing,


Special Offer on Story Maps E-Books

“Dan has a no-nonsense approach to screenplay analysis that cuts through the bull and delivers the goods. A must read for serious screenwriters.”
-J. Stephen Maunder, Writer/Director

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